Northwest Directory

Do you want to add your Business?

Well, there are 3 very simple ways you can add your company or organisation to the North West Directory.

We can guarantee your site will be added within 7 days (once the directory is launched) if you choose either our featured or premium caption… AND you don’t need to link back to our site if you wish to. Why should I list my company?

As the directory has not been launched yet, we are taking information of businesses who want to add a listing in the STANDARD LISTING section. We are hoping for a large number of submissions, so to get ahead of ourselves we will be listing businesses before we launch.

Name *
Company Name *
Type of Business *
Business Address *
Contact Tel *
Email *
Description *

Listings which will be available are -

This option may take up to 1 month for your information to be added. You must link back to our site.

£29.99 per Annum
We guarantee listings in 7 days. 
No need to link back to our site.

£59.99 per Annum
Listings appear top of page with logo - within your selected category.
Multiple links to your website.
Standard or Featured listings?

Most of the Business opt for the Standard listings within the North West Directory, however many companies take advantage of our Featured service, where we guarantee our listings is added within 7 days AND also means that you don’t have to link back to us from your own website. This is something you may have to ask your web designer to do.

Maximum EXPOSURE, get a premium listing. 
Along with standard listings, we also offer featured listings displays more information about your company or organization - this allows you to appear above standard listings for maximum value of exposure.

Please contact us if you would like to upgrade your standard listing to a featured or premium listing. Read our business listing terms & conditions.